Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Turkey Day Workout

Here's a good travel workout you can use this week if you're traveling and can't get to a gym...all you need is YOU!

Station 1:
5 Push-ups
5 Squats
10 Push-ups
10 Squats
15 Push-ups
15 Squats
10 Push-ups
10 Squats
5 Push-ups
5 Squats

Station 2:
50 Walking Lunges (total)
30 Mountain Climbers (total)
40 Walking Lunges
30 Mountain Climbers
30 Walking Lunges
30 Mountain Climbers
20 Walking Lunges
30 Mountain Climbers
10 Walking Lunges
30 Mountain Climbers

Station 3:
10 Jump Squats
10 V-Sits
9 Jump Squats
9 V-Sits

All the way down to 1 of each...

Station 4:
If you like to run...add in 20 Squats and 20 Push-ups at every 1/2 mile.

Try one or try them all.  Happy Thanksgiving!


Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Motivate Yourself - Sign up for a Turkey Trot!

It's already November, which means the holiday season of eating is right around the corner.  Don't let all the hard work you've put in at the gym go to waste.  Eating healthy at parties can be difficult with all the appetizers, desserts, etc., but you can still make healthy decisions.  Maybe eat a healthy snack/meal before so you're less hungry and limit yourself to ONE piece of dessert.

If you need some extra motivation during the holidays, sign up for a Turkey Trot.  No matter what part of the country you're from there's likely to be a Thanksgiving race going on.  Not only will it give you extra motivation for training, but what better way to start of Thanksgiving Day than with a nice 5k or 10k - then you won't feel so bad about eating all the stuffing!

Here's a link for the Cincinnati Thanksgiving Race:


See you in the gym!